
Short Takes - The Handicap of Definition

1. Paragraph 1-4: The major assertion in paragraph 1-4 is a tragically limited definition of blackness, and it isn't only white people who buy it.
Paragraph 5-7: The major assertion is that the harm that comes from too narrow a definition of what is black.
Paragraph 8-11: The major assertion is what I am talking about is the importance of developing positive ethnic traditions.
2. In paragraph 12, Raspberry points out the achievement of economic are almost reached by the white, not the black. The preceding paragraphs are about the prejudice that the black only good at singing and sports.
3. Raspberry’s thesis is that the young generation can be able to do whatever they put their mind to and make it in the American mainstream, not just in a black subculture.
4. I don't think there is any evidence to support the view that Raspberry is trying to make blacks "better" by making them white. Raspberry is just trying to change the existing stereotypes of the black and make them more positive. 
5. I don't think there is any evidence or point that a feminist could argue it is sexist in this essay.

